Your Family Is Unique

Shouldn’t The Solutions Be Unique Too?

We specialise in giving legal help and advice.

Divorce, domestic violence and abuse, custody, separation and maintenance

Who Are We?

Heather Rose LL.B Solicitor is a member of the Solicitors Regulation Authority Family Panel.

Heather is also a Collaborative Lawyer and able to offer a revolutionary way of dealing with family matters, where you and Heather meet with your spouse or partner and their own Collaborative Lawyer to discuss the way forward for your family. The results can be far more creative than you might think.

Alina Schofield F.Inst.Lex is a Legal Executive.

Heather and Alina are both members of Resolution. Heather and Alina regularly attend courts locally in all sorts of different family issues, but always look for a way to reach a settlement before a solution is imposed by a Judge.

How can we help

Every family is different, but any family can break down.

No matter what your background, education or employment status, you may feel angry, depressed, betrayed, sad, confused, unable to cope with the present and afraid of what the future may bring.

If you have children, you may feel even worse, as you struggle to look after them, when you really don't feel able to look after yourself.

At TFLP we aim to help you through these and many other situations by giving you the information and advice you need to make the best decisions you can, that will affect life for yourself and your children for many years to come.

We recognize that every family is different so we aim to help you find and put into practice the solutions that will work best for you.

  • You may want to discuss the situation with your spouse or partner, to plan the future for your children and you but you don't know where to start or are worried about how the discussions will go.
  • You might want legal advice but don't want to become embroiled in court proceedings, where decisions might be made for you by a Judge you've never met!
  • You might need or feel more comfortable with a more "conventional" approach or have an emergency "drop everything and help me now" situation, involving violence or something to do with the children.
  • You might not know which approach will suit you best. Why not speak to us to discuss all options to decide how best we can help you?

Which ever way is best for you, we want you to retain your dignity and be able to look yourself in the eyes in the mirror and feel proud of the way you have dealt with the horrors of a relationship melt down, knowing you've done the best for your and your children.

However we help, we aim to be approachable, constructive and non judgmental.

towcester family law